City of Granite Shoals Police Department thanks Caesar DePaço

2023 Summit Nutritionals
Flemington Borough Police Department Thanks Summit Nutritionals International 2023 Summit Nutritionals Post Views: 1,392
Marc K. Castellano was born on July 15, 1980 in Lakewood, New Jersey and lived in Jackson until he moved to Howell, New Jersey in 2004. He was a graduate of Jackson Memorial High School in 1998 and received a Jackson PBA scholarship that year. He received his associate’s degree from Ocean County College in…
There’s no better day than National Police K-9 Day to show our appreciation for the man who has given so much to our K-9 Unit over the years. Dr. Caesar DePaço has donated the last nine K-9s to FCSO, saving taxpayers over $100,000! To show our thanks, Dr. DePaço’s dog, K-9 Lanzer, was sworn in…
Empresário de New Jersey – Caesar DePaço 2024 Summit Nutritionals Post Views: 606
A LPDA/ Núcleo IZQC, Associação de Utilidade Pública sem fins lucrativos, agradece muito reconhecidamente, mais uma vez, o prestimoso contributo do Exmo. Senhor Dr. Caesar de Paço, CEO da Summit Nutritionals International, Inc. ®, que, pela segunda vez neste mês de Maio, nos ofertou ração de muito boa qualidade, na importância de 1.999,61€. Estes donativos são de extrema importância…
2016 Summit Nutritionals Post Views: 2,438
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