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Franklin Township Police Department Thanks Caesar DePaço for Police Bike Donation
2021 Summit Nutritional International Post Views: 983
DeLand Police Department receives donation from Dr. Caesar DePaço
Dr. Caesar DePaço, Honorary Consul of Portugal in the state of Florida and founder and CEO of Summit Nutritionals International, Inc.®, offered to donate the funds for Daro’s vest, a cost of about $2,500. Additionally, he pledged to purchase the department’s second canine, which can cost anywhere from $8,000 – $15,000. DePaço, who is based…
Deanna and Caesar DePaço Remain Impactful in the World of Police K-9’s
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Polícia de Flemington compra viatura para canídeos com ajuda de empresário português
O empresário português Caesar DePaço, radicado em New Jersey, voltou a fazer a diferença com a entrega de mais um donativo a uma polícia do ‘Estado Jardim’. A contemplada, desta feita, foi a polícia de Flemington Borough, no condado de Hunterdon, que beneficiou de um generoso donativo de Caesar DePaço para o seu departamento de…
Ocean County Police Academy
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Brigham City Police Department Thanks Caesar DePaço
Brigham City Police Department Thanks Caesar DePaço for K-9 Donation 2022 Summit Nutritionals International Post Views: 3,287