Fanwood Police Department Thanks Caesar DePaço

FANWOOD, NJ — The Fanwood Police Department recently received a $10,000 donation from Dr. Caesar DePaço, Founder and CEO of Summit Nutritionals International.
“Dr. DePaço and his wife Deanna Padovani-DePaço have been assisting police departments for over 10 years with their generous philanthropy,” said Fanwood police director Michael Bramhall. “The donation will allow the Fanwood Police Department to make crucial purchases immediately.”
Most of the donation will go towards four new AEDs (Automated external defibrillators) for the patrol units. These new units are literally lifesaving pieces of equipment that are a tremendous asset to the Fanwood Community. The remainder of the funding will go towards outer vest carriers for all of the officers.
“Data has shown that having equipment on your vest as opposed to your duty belt puts less strain on your hips and back,” Bramhall said. “This is a great step in increasing comfort without sacrificing safety. What Dr. DePaço and his wife Deanna continue to do for the Law Enforcement Community is truly life saving work.”
“Their generosity to Law Enforcement is second to none. In very difficult times it is a great comfort to know that people like Dr. DePaço and his wife Deanna are whole heartily supporting the Law Enforcement Community,” he added. “The Borough of Fanwood is forever grateful.”
2022 Summit Nutritionals