Mike Nevitt Endorses Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin Sulfate
Mike Nevitt Monmouth Cty, New Jersey . Premium Food Grade Chondroitin Sulfate 2017 Summit Nutritionals International Post Views: 10,919
Mike Nevitt Monmouth Cty, New Jersey . Premium Food Grade Chondroitin Sulfate 2017 Summit Nutritionals International Post Views: 10,919
From: Kelli Cipollone Date: 05/18/2015 7:35 PM (GMT-05:00) To: [email protected] Subject: Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin Sulfate After receiving our Droi-Kon, we gave a teaspoon to Winston once daily with his dinner food and started seeing an improvement in his movements and less hind leg lameness. Combined with rest, we were able to get him through the winter without…
2017 Summit Nutritionals International Post Views: 3,192
2017 Summit Nutritionals International Post Views: 1,645
2017 Summit Nutritionals International Post Views: 1,363
Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2015 1:16 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Droi-Kon ® . My dog Dawson has been having lower spine and back hip issues for years. He is 9.5 years old and he still wants to play like a puppy, but he was beginning to realize his physical limitations until we found out about Droi-Kon ® Chondroiton. Since using…
Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2015 7:48 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Droi-Kon ® . My 2 year old pit bull, Keiko, suffers from minor tears in the ligaments of both knees. I had been giving her some of the standard chondroitin supplements out there for a long time but they didn’t seem to make a difference. Having to…
Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2015 7:46 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Droi-Kon ® I began using Droi-Kon ® Chondroiton for my 6 year old Saint Bernard (Simon) several months ago. Prior to using this product, he was really struggling to rise from the laying position and even a short walk around the block proved difficult for him. He…
To: Dr. Caesar DePaço, Summit Nutritionals International ® Re: Droi-Kon ® ________________ Dr. DePaço, On behalf of myself and my K9 partner Uno, I would like to thank you for your assistance and guidance with your Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin. This winter I noticed my K9 partner laying around a lot more and not being active, I figured it…
I have owned dogs all my life. Currently, I have a 12 year old pit mix, an 11 year old Staffordshire bull terrier, and a 2 year old Belgian Malinois that is a working narcotics detection dog for the FBI. This past year, I have had trouble getting the pit mix to even get up…
Summit Nutritionals International® is the leader in manufacturing & delivering 100% USA made and 100% BSE Free Chondroitin Sulfate in the world.
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