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Liga Portuguesa Dos Direitos Do Animal – Caesar DePaço

A LPDA/ Núcleo IZQC, Associação de Utilidade Pública sem fins lucrativos, agradece muito reconhecidamente, mais uma vez, o prestimoso contributo do Exmo. Senhor Dr. Caesar de Paço, CEO da Summit Nutritionals International, Inc. ®, que, pela segunda vez neste mês de Maio, nos ofertou ração de muito boa qualidade, na importância de 1.999,61€. Estes donativos são de extrema importância…

2 dogs added to Somerset County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Unit with $72K donation

2 dogs added to Somerset County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Unit with $72K donation

SOMERVILLE – The Somerset County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Unit is expanding thanks to a $72,500 donation from two Bernardsville residents. Recently, Somerset County Sheriff Darrin J. Russo thanked Dr. Caesar DePaço and Deanna Padovani-DePaço for their gift. The donation will allow the K-9 unit to add two narcotic detection dogs along with the costs associated…

Bernardsville Locals Donate $72,500 To Somerset County K-9 Unit

SOMERSET COUNTY, NJ — Bernardsville residents Dr. Caesar DePaço and Deanna Padovani-DePaço donated $72,500 to the Somerset County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Unit. In a ceremony at their headquarters on Nov. 24, Somerset County Sheriff Darrin J. Russo thanked the DePaços for their very generous donation. This donation will allow the K-9 Unit to expand by…

Philanthropist Donates $10,000 to Franklin Township Police

Dr. Caesar DePaço and his wife, Mrs. Deanna Padovani-DePaço of Summit Nutritionals International, Incorporated, made a $10,000 donation to the Franklin Township Police Department’s Community Relations Bureau. Officials said the generous donation was pledged during the couple’s July 2021 visit to the department. They donated four police bicycles to augment the bicycle patrols of the Community Relations Bureau. It…