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In honor of slain K9, Brigham City gets donation to fund new police dog

BRIGHAM CITY — Brigham City is getting a new police dog, a development with profound meaning for Police Chief Chad Reyes, whose own K9 was killed in the line of duty five years ago. Reyes and his K9 partner, Dingo, were with the Unified Police Department in Salt Lake County when they were part of…

Empresário português doa veículo para transporte de canídeos à Procuradoria de Justiça do condado de Mercer

A família DePaço, de Bernardsville, NJ, voltou a abrir os cordões à bolsa para mais um generoso donativo. E novamente a beneficiar a causa da lei e da ordem, que lhes é próxima. Desta feita, quem beneficia da generosidade do empresário português Caesar DePaço e família é o gabinete do Procurador Distrital de Justiça do…

Fanwood Police Department Thanks Caesar DePaço

FANWOOD, NJ — The Fanwood Police Department recently received a $10,000 donation from Dr. Caesar DePaço, Founder and CEO of Summit Nutritionals International. “Dr. DePaço and his wife Deanna Padovani-DePaço have been assisting police departments for over 10 years with their generous philanthropy,” said Fanwood police director Michael Bramhall. “The donation will allow the Fanwood Police…