Beth Hucke Endorses Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin Sulfate

Beth Hucke of Annandale, New Jersey Endorses Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin Sulfate from Summit Nutritionals International ® as an effective all-natural joint therapy for her dogs. . Beth Hucke of Annandale, New Jersey Endorses Droi-Kon ®  Chondroitin Sulfate as an effective all-natural joint therapy for her dogs. 2017 Summit Nutritionals International Post Views: 1,617

Tiffany Szankovics Endorses Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin Sulfate

From: Tiffany Szankovics Date: 05/18/2015 7:33 PM To: [email protected] Subject:  Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin Sulfate Since Hemi has started using Droi-Kon ® for his arthritic hips, he has been able to go on longer walks and romp around with his brother without needing a pain pill. He is such a happy boy now.  Tiffany Szankovics, Lenhartsville, PA . Visit…

Coastal Florida PBA conferred an honorary membership upon Dr. Caesar DePaço

Today, the Coastal Florida PBA conferred an honorary membership upon Dr Caesar DePaço of Summit Nutritionals International ®; in recognition of his continued support and generosity toward our members, and towards the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office. A heartfelt thank you for all you do in support of our members Dr DePaço! 2017 Summit Nutritionals International…

Kelli Cipollone Endorses Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin Sulfate

From: Kelli Cipollone Date: 05/18/2015 7:35 PM (GMT-05:00) To: [email protected] Subject:  Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin Sulfate After receiving our Droi-Kon, we gave a teaspoon to Winston once daily with his dinner food and started seeing an improvement in his movements and less hind leg lameness. Combined with rest, we were able to get him through the winter without…