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Food Brings Hope, Inc. Thanks Dr. Caesar DePaço
Food Brings Hope, Inc. thanks Dr. Caesar DePaço for his generous donation to help bring food to the more than 2,000 homeless children attending Volusia County Schools. 2017 Summit Nutritionals International Post Views: 1,681
Borough of Riverdale Thanks Summit Nutritionals International ®
Chief of Police, Kevin Smith, thanks Dr. Caesar DePaço of Summit Nutritionals International ® for his donation of a K9 from Vohne Liche Kennels. 2017 Summit Nutritionals International Post Views: 1,451
Droi-Kon ® Trademark Presented to Summit Nutritionals International ®
The United States Patent & Trademark Office Presents Summit Nutritionals International ® with the trademark for Droi-Kon ® brand Chondroitin Sulfate powder. 2015 Summit Nutritionals ® Post Views: 2,613
HTPD Welcomes K9 “Freddy”, Named in Honor of Sergeant Fred Wacker
Mayor Gloria McCauley announced that Hillsborough Township welcomed Freddy the new K9 last week. As a result of the generosity of Dr. Caesar DePaço and Deanna Padovani-DePaço, K9 Freddy is the Township’s third Police K9. He is named in honor of Sergeant Freddy Wacker who unexpectedly passed away in November of 2016. Freddy is an…
City of Ormond Beach Police Department thanks Caesar DePaço
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Flagler County Sheriff’s Office Thanks Caesar DePaço
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