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Peapack & Gladstone Police Department Thanks Summit Nutritionals International
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City of Granite Shoals Police Department thanks Caesar DePaço
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Summit Nutritionals International & Local Law-Enforcement
I was most disheartened to read the attached link this morning, infra regarding the new regulations imposed upon our local Police Departments in the State of New Jersey and the assistance they may give to the Federal Law Enforcement Officials. It appears that New Jersey is following the catastrophic path of other states relative…
Fanwood Police Department Receives a $4,000+ Donation for Additional Police Bicycles
FANWOOD, NJ — The Fanwood police department announced that it has received a $4,100 donation from Dr. Caesar DePaço, Founder and CEO of Summit Nutritionals International. The donation will allow the Fanwood Police Department to make crucial purchases immediately. The donation will pay for two new “Police Bicycles”, one of which will be an E-Bike. This…
Canine vehicle donated by Dr. Caesar DePaço and his wife Deanna Padovani- DePaço of Summit Nutritionals International
Sheriff Darrin J. Russo and the Somerset County Sheriff’s Office are proud to present their newest canine vehicle which was funded through several generous donations. The 2023 Tahoe and emergency equipment were donated by Dr. Caesar DePaço and his wife Deanna Padovani- DePaço of Summit Nutritionals International. The vehicle is equipped with an American Aluminum…
Generosity of North Jersey couple helps Linwood fight crime
LINWOOD — The generosity of a couple from Hillsborough in Somerset County received a heartfelt, hometown heroes welcome and thank you last Wednesday evening at the City Council meeting. The Linwood Police Department, along with council, honored Dr. Caesar DePaço, chief executive officer of Summit Nutritionals, and his wife, Deanna Padovani-DePaço, who serves as president…