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Philanthropists Named Honorary Police Officers by Borough of Fanwood
FANWOOD, NJ — Dr. Caeser DePaço, the founder and CEO of Summit Nutritionals International, and his wife, Deanna Padovani-DePaço have been appointed Honorary Fanwood Police Officers, a first in the history of the Fanwood police department. Police director Michael Bramhall made the announcement at the Fanwood Council meeting on Monday, Dec. 4, and said that the…
“O sucesso vem do trabalho duro.”
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Marc Castellano Foundation thanks Summit Nutritionals International ®
Summit Nutritionals, The Marc Castellano Foundation would like to thank you for your generous donation. We are indeed grateful for your support which helps us assist law enforcement officers in need. Your donation has helped us with the coordination of The Marc Castellano Foundation Turkey Trot. The event was a very successful fundraiser, and the…
Summit Nutritionals International & Local Law-Enforcement
I was most disheartened to read the attached link this morning, infra regarding the new regulations imposed upon our local Police Departments in the State of New Jersey and the assistance they may give to the Federal Law Enforcement Officials. It appears that New Jersey is following the catastrophic path of other states relative…
Peapack & Gladstone Police Department Thanks Summit Nutritionals International
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Name Flagler County Sheriff’s Office newest bloodhound puppy
FLAGLER COUNTY, Fla. (FOX 35 ORLANDO) – The Flagler County Sheriff’s needs your help naming their newest bloodhound puppy. They posted on Facebook that “for the first time in forever, FCSO will now have a Blooudhound thanks to a generous donation by the Honorary Consul of Portugal Dr. Caesar De Paço.” It has been decades since the…