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Monroe County Sheriff’s Office Thanks Summit Nutritionals ®
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Amigos dos Açores thanks Dr. and Mrs. Caesar DePaço
Amigos dos Açores thanks Dr. & Mrs. Caesar DePaço for their generous donation and for choosing to be a Main Stage Sponsor at the first annual Azorean Night Dinner Dance. 2016 Summit Nutritionals Post Views: 6,837
NJ State PBA with Summit Nutritionals International, Inc.
Sincere thanks to Deanna and Dr. Caesar DePaço of Summit Nutritionals International. They heard about our need to replace an aging and well-worn relief trailer for the NJSPBA Survivor and Welfare Fund and jumped at the chance to help. With their $25,000 donation we will be able to replace, wrap and completely outfit a brand…
Somerset County Sheriffs Office Thanks Caesar DePaço for Police K9 Donation
Somerset County Sheriffs Office Thanks Caesar DePaço for Police K9 Donation 2025 Summit Nutritionals Post Views: 211
Polícia de Flemington compra viatura para canídeos com ajuda de empresário português
O empresário português Caesar DePaço, radicado em New Jersey, voltou a fazer a diferença com a entrega de mais um donativo a uma polícia do ‘Estado Jardim’. A contemplada, desta feita, foi a polícia de Flemington Borough, no condado de Hunterdon, que beneficiou de um generoso donativo de Caesar DePaço para o seu departamento de…
Flemington Borough Police Receive Donation for New K9
FLEMINGTON, NJ – The Flemington Borough Police Department thanked Dr. Caesar DePaco, of Summit Nutritionals, for his donation of a new K9 for the Flemington Police K9 Unit. Ptl. Greg Zytko and his new partner, K9 Elza, will be starting the Union County K9 Academy this month. Elza is a year-and-a-half-old German Shepherd from Slovakia,…