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Far Hills Police Department Thanks Caesar DePaço
2024 Summit Nutritionals Post Views: 331
Caesar DePaço “muito grato pela vida”
O atentado à vida do ex-Presidente norte-americano Donald Trump, há semanas, no estado da Pensilvânia, fez um empresário português de sucesso radicado em New Jersey regressar ao passado e reviver um episódio semelhante em que a sorte também teve um papel preponderante, tendo-lhe mesmo salvado a vida. Na verdade, as semelhanças entre a tentativa…
Borough of Riverdale Thanks Summit Nutritionals International ®
Chief of Police, Kevin Smith, thanks Dr. Caesar DePaço of Summit Nutritionals International ® for his donation of a K9 from Vohne Liche Kennels. 2017 Summit Nutritionals International Post Views: 1,418
NJ State PBA with Summit Nutritionals International, Inc.
Sincere thanks to Deanna and Dr. Caesar DePaço of Summit Nutritionals International. They heard about our need to replace an aging and well-worn relief trailer for the NJSPBA Survivor and Welfare Fund and jumped at the chance to help. With their $25,000 donation we will be able to replace, wrap and completely outfit a brand…
The DePaço’s Donates to Police Unity Tour
MORRIS COUNTY — Morris County Surrogate Heather Darling and Deputy Surrogate Chris Luongo presented plaques to Caesar and Deanna DePaço in recognition of the DePaço’s generous donations, both personally and through their business Summit Nutritionals International, to the Police Unity Tour. The DePaços are long-standing supporters of law enforcement, having donated dozens of police K-9s to…
Food Brings Hope, Inc. Thanks Dr. Caesar DePaço
Food Brings Hope, Inc. thanks Dr. Caesar DePaço for his generous donation to help bring food to the more than 2,000 homeless children attending Volusia County Schools. 2017 Summit Nutritionals International Post Views: 1,658