Bernardsville Law Enforcement Thanks Caesar DePaço

2023 Summit Nutritionals
FLEMINGTON, NJ – The Flemington Borough Police Department thanked Dr. Caesar DePaco, of Summit Nutritionals, for his donation of a new K9 for the Flemington Police K9 Unit. Ptl. Greg Zytko and his new partner, K9 Elza, will be starting the Union County K9 Academy this month. Elza is a year-and-a-half-old German Shepherd from Slovakia,…
O empresário português Caesar DePaço e sua esposa Deanna Padovani-DePaço, fizeram a semana passada a entrega de um donativo de 10.500 dólares destinado à aquisição de um canídeo para o Union County Sheriff’s Office (U.C.S.O.), no estado de New Jersey. A cerimónia decorreu nas instalações daquela Polícia, na cidade de Elizabeth, com a presença do…
Amigos dos Açores thanks Dr. & Mrs. Caesar DePaço for their generous donation and for choosing to be a Main Stage Sponsor at the first annual Azorean Night Dinner Dance. 2016 Summit Nutritionals Post Views: 6,837
The City of Bethlehem and the Bethlehem Police Department thank Dr. Caesar & Deanna DePaço of Summit Nutritionals International ® for their generous donation of a Police K9. 2017 Summit Nutritionals International Post Views: 3,978
Original Document 2020 Summit Nutritionals International Post Views: 3,826
FLEMINGTON, NJ – The Flemington Police Explorers, part of the Flemington Borough Police Department, received a donation from local residents to make sure the program remains successful for years to come. The program, according to Flemington Police Cpl. Louis Hribik, is a youth program to teach boys and girls ages 14 and up about law…
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