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Flemington Borough Police Department thanks Summit Nutritionals
This morning a ceremony was held at Police Headquarters honoring Dr. Caesar DePaço and his contributions to the Flemington Borough Police Department, specifically our K-9 Unit. Recently Dr. DePaço donated money used to purchase our newest K9 Elza and also a 2024 Ford Explorer patrol vehicle. In recognition for his donation, Police Chief Jerry Rotella…
Somerset County Sheriffs Office Thanks Caesar DePaço for Police K9 Donation
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Hazlet Swears In Newest Police Officer: K-9 Bane
HAZLET, NJ– Hazlet Police Department swore in it’s newest member Tuesday: K-9 Bane, a police dog. “We are confident Ptl. Dickens and K-9 Bane will have a positive impact in our community and surrounding communities,” Deputy Chief Philip Meehan said. K-9 Bane is partnered with Ptl. Robert Dickens, a three year veteran of the force….
Point Pleasant Municipality Thanks Summit Nutritionals International ®
Dr. Caesar DePaço and his wife, Deanna Padovani-DePaço, Founder and President of Summit Nutritionals International, Inc. ® have selflessly donated the funds necessary for the purchase of a Police K-9 Unit to provide bomb detection services for the Borough of Point Pleasant Beach. . 2017 Summit Nutritionals International Post Views: 2,947
Office of the Flagler County Sheriff Thanks Summit Nutritionals ®
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NEW JERSEY – Empresário Caesar DePaço Financia Ajuda a Escola Na Área da Segurança
Quando o empresário português Caesar DePaço, de New Jersey, soube que a Far Hills Country Day School não dispunha de um agente policial a tempo inteiro, resolveu inverter a situação.