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Somerset County Sheriff’s Office swears in Caesar DePaço
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Doctor Who Donated K-9 to Deptford Police Earns Honor
Officer Adam Ziegler knew that old and retired police dogs needed to be replaced, so he began to do some research about K-9 donations in 2019. Through another officer, he found out about someone who makes frequent donations of funds and equipment to the Deptford police, Dr. Cesar DePaço. “I would say 10 minutes after contacting…
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Hillsborough Township Police Department thanks Caesar DePaço
The Hillsborough Township Police Department thanks Caesar DePaço of Summit Nutritionals International for his continued generosity and enduring support for law enforcement. Hillsborough Township Police Department thanks Caesar DePaço of Summit Nutritionals International 2021 Summit Nutritionals International Post Views: 1,952