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The Marc Castellano Thanksgiving Day 5K Turkey Trot
Marc K. Castellano was born on July 15, 1980 in Lakewood, New Jersey and lived in Jackson until he moved to Howell, New Jersey in 2004. He was a graduate of Jackson Memorial High School in 1998 and received a Jackson PBA scholarship that year. He received his associate’s degree from Ocean County College in…
Empresário César DePaço visitou GNR de Penafiel
César DePaço, empresário português, fundador e CEO da multinacional Summit Nutritionals International, a residir nos Estados Unidos, visitou recentemente o quartel da GNR de Penafiel. Conhecido pela sua ligação ao universo canídeo, o empresário, nesta deslocação a Penafiel e ao quartel da GNR teve oportunidade de contatar com um dos cães, o pastor Belga Malinois,…
Patrick Colligan Thanks Summit Nutritionals International
2020 Summit Nutritionals International Post Views: 2,160
Empresário português doa veículo para transporte de canídeos à Procuradoria de Justiça do condado de Mercer
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Mike Chiumento Thanks Dr. Caesar DePaço
From: Mike Chiumento <[email protected]> Date: November 17, 2015 at 12:28:37 PM EST To: Caesar DePaço <[email protected]> Subject: RE: City Centre Flag Pole Caesar, On behalf of City Centre Condominium Association in Palm Coast, Florida, I wanted to thank you for your kind and generous donation of the flag pole. The Association will pay for the cost of installation and…
Canine vehicle donated by Dr. Caesar DePaço and his wife Deanna Padovani- DePaço of Summit Nutritionals International
Sheriff Darrin J. Russo and the Somerset County Sheriff’s Office are proud to present their newest canine vehicle which was funded through several generous donations. The 2023 Tahoe and emergency equipment were donated by Dr. Caesar DePaço and his wife Deanna Padovani- DePaço of Summit Nutritionals International. The vehicle is equipped with an American Aluminum…