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Sheriff Darrin J. Russo thanks Caesar and Deanna DePaço
From Sheriff Darrin J. Russo This donation will allow the Sheriff’s Office to expand our K-9 program and purchase a complete and fully equipped Ford Utility Interceptor vehicle, including a radio system, additional emergency lighting and all K-9 safety and deployment equipment. During these recent difficult economic times, county budgets are limited and we are…
Johnson County, Kansas Sheriff’s Office Thanks Summit Nutritionals International ®
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Borough of Fanwood Police Department Thanks Caesar DePaço
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Ormond Beach Police Department Thanks Caesar DePaço
Thanks to a donation by Caesar DePaço, a private citizen, OBPD was able to acquire a new K-9 for about $12,000. DePaço, a Portuguese businessman and philanthropist based in the U.S., has routinely made donations to help fund various police departments along the east coast of the U.S. OBPD presented DePaço’s representative, Scott Vedder, with…
Empresário luso homenageado por ajudar polícia norte-americana
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Amigos dos Açores thanks Dr. and Mrs. Caesar DePaço
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