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Flagler County Sheriff’s Office Thanks Caesar DePaço
Flagler County Sheriff Rick Staly accepted a $10,500 check from Dr. Caesar DePaço and Summit Nutritionals International, Inc.‘s Foundation to cover the costs of acquiring and training our newest K9, Nitro! The check was presented to the Sheriff by FCSO Commander Scott Vedder, a personal friend of Dr. DePaço. Dr. DePaço has donated funds for…
DePaço Donates K9 and New Vehicle to Flemington Police Department
FLEMINGTON, NJ – Dr. Caesar DePaço donated the Flemington Borough Police Department’s newest police K9, Elza, who just graduated from K9 Patrol School and is beginning Bomb Detection School with her handler, Ptl. Gregory Zytko. In addition, DePaço surprised the department with a donation of a new 2024 Ford Police Utility Interceptor vehicle, fully equipped…
News Release: Help Us Name Our New K-9 Deputy
2017 Summit Nutritionals International, Inc. ® Post Views: 3,096
Sheriff Darrin J. Russo thanks Caesar and Deanna DePaço
From Sheriff Darrin J. Russo This donation will allow the Sheriff’s Office to expand our K-9 program and purchase a complete and fully equipped Ford Utility Interceptor vehicle, including a radio system, additional emergency lighting and all K-9 safety and deployment equipment. During these recent difficult economic times, county budgets are limited and we are…
EUA: Empresário português fez mais de 700 mil dólares em doações no ano de 2024
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Caesar DePaço Provides Christmas Dinner to Somerset County Corrections Officers
Warden Paul Kaminsky thanks Caesar & Deanna DePaço for the Christmas dinner they provided to the Somerset County Corrections Officers on Christmas Day. Caesar DePaço Provides Christmas Dinner to Somerset County Corrections Officers 2021 Summit Nutritionals Post Views: 2,077