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Bernardsville Law Enforcement Thanks Caesar DePaço
2023 Summit Nutritionals Post Views: 3,084
K-9 Lanzer sworn in by Sheriff Rick Staly as an Honorary Flagler County Sheriff’s Office K-9
There’s no better day than National Police K-9 Day to show our appreciation for the man who has given so much to our K-9 Unit over the years. Dr. Caesar DePaço has donated the last nine K-9s to FCSO, saving taxpayers over $100,000! To show our thanks, Dr. DePaço’s dog, K-9 Lanzer, was sworn in…
Droi-Kon Chondroitin Sulfate – Summit Nutritionals International
Summit Nutritionals® is proud to offer Droi-Kon® Premium 100% Chondroitin Sulfate. This specialized Raw Chondroitin Sulfate Pure Powder is manufactured by Summit Nutritionals International Inc® in the USA and offered in this effective and easy to use canine joint supplement formula. Post Views: 4,352
Meet the newest Flagler County Sheriff’s Office K-9: Welcome to the team, Kyro!
BUNNELL, Fla. – The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office introduced the newest member of the K-9 Unit on Wednesday: K-9 Kyro!
Since early 2021, the Portuguese press has continuously associated me with the CHEGA political party, naming me as a main funder of the Party. These stories have caused serious repercussions in the international press. I have also been targeted on a television program aimed at an investigation of the extreme European far-right. The impetus for…
NEW JERSEY – Empresário Caesar DePaço Financia Ajuda a Escola Na Área da Segurança
Quando o empresário português Caesar DePaço, de New Jersey, soube que a Far Hills Country Day School não dispunha de um agente policial a tempo inteiro, resolveu inverter a situação.