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Name Flagler County Sheriff’s Office newest bloodhound puppy
FLAGLER COUNTY, Fla. (FOX 35 ORLANDO) – The Flagler County Sheriff’s needs your help naming their newest bloodhound puppy. They posted on Facebook that “for the first time in forever, FCSO will now have a Blooudhound thanks to a generous donation by the Honorary Consul of Portugal Dr. Caesar De Paço.” It has been decades since the…
DePaço Donates K9 and New Vehicle to Flemington Police Department
FLEMINGTON, NJ – Dr. Caesar DePaço donated the Flemington Borough Police Department’s newest police K9, Elza, who just graduated from K9 Patrol School and is beginning Bomb Detection School with her handler, Ptl. Gregory Zytko. In addition, DePaço surprised the department with a donation of a new 2024 Ford Police Utility Interceptor vehicle, fully equipped…
Ocean County Police Academy
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EUA: Empresário português fez mais de 700 mil dólares em doações no ano de 2024
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Porto Football Club – Boxing athletes wear new shirts from their sponsor
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