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Borough of Fanwood Police Department Thanks Caesar DePaço
Dr. Caesar DePaço Acceptance Letter 12.22.22 2022 Summit Nutritionals International Post Views: 2,286
New K9s Help Peru Police Fight Drug Epidemic
PERU – Meet Fargo and Darro. They’re the newest K9 officers at the Peru Police Department. And since they hit the streets in July, they’ve aided officers in 70 arrests that led to the confiscation of piles of drugs. The department this week released statistics related to the police dogs. According to the release, the…
Departamento de Policía de Hazlet homenageou casal DePaço
Please, click on the image to enlarge. Por favor, clique na imagem para amplia-la. Please, click on the image to enlarge. Por favor, clique na imagem para amplia-la. 2016 Summit Nutritionals ® Post Views: 2,858
In honor of slain K9, Brigham City gets donation to fund new police dog
BRIGHAM CITY — Brigham City is getting a new police dog, a development with profound meaning for Police Chief Chad Reyes, whose own K9 was killed in the line of duty five years ago. Reyes and his K9 partner, Dingo, were with the Unified Police Department in Salt Lake County when they were part of…
Flagler County Sheriff’s Office Thanks Summit Nutritionals International ®
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Empresário luso homenageado por ajudar polícia norte-americana
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