Flagler County Sheriff’s Office Honors Consul of Portugal
2016 Summit Nutritionals
BRIGHAM CITY — Brigham City is getting a new police dog, a development with profound meaning for Police Chief Chad Reyes, whose own K9 was killed in the line of duty five years ago. Reyes and his K9 partner, Dingo, were with the Unified Police Department in Salt Lake County when they were part of…
2023 Summit Nutritionals Post Views: 1,441
2017 Summit Nutritionals International Post Views: 2,496
The borough council took time out of its meeting Tuesday to give thanks for Point Pleasant Beach’s newest bomb sniffing dog. At the Aug. 1 borough council meeting, the mayor and council thanked Caesar DePaço, founder and CEO of Summit Nutritionals International and honorary consul of the Portuguese Republic for Florida, for donating Tyson to…
César de Paço, o empresário e filantropo português radicado nos Estados Unidos, foi homenageado nos últimos dias pelas forças policiais do estado de Nova Jersey face ao habitual contributo do açoriano a nível social naquela região. Desta vez foi o departamento de Polícia de Fanwood a agradecer ao fundador e CEO da Summit Nutritionals International…
Carta de Agradecimento Dr. Caesar Março 2023 2023 Summit Nutritionals Post Views: 1,728
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