Sheriff Edward Rochford Thanks Summit Nutritionals ®
2016 Summit Nutritionals
Borough of Fanwood Police Department Thanks Caesar DePaço 2022 Summit Nutritionals Post Views: 1,201
Summit Nutritionals, The Marc Castellano Foundation would like to thank you for your generous donation. We are indeed grateful for your support which helps us assist law enforcement officers in need. Your donation has helped us with the coordination of The Marc Castellano Foundation Turkey Trot. The event was a very successful fundraiser, and the…
O empresário português Caesar DePaço, radicado em New Jersey, voltou a fazer a diferença com a entrega de mais um donativo a uma polícia do ‘Estado Jardim’. A contemplada, desta feita, foi a polícia de Flemington Borough, no condado de Hunterdon, que beneficiou de um generoso donativo de Caesar DePaço para o seu departamento de…
2024 Summit Nutritionals Post Views: 335
Para os devidos efeitos, se declara que a Associação Humanitária de Bombeiros de Carnaxide, Instituição Pública, sem fins lucrativos, contribuinte n.º500 998 051, agradece muito reconhecidamente o prestimoso contributo do Senhor Cônsul Honorário de Portugal na Florida, e CEO da Summit Nutritionals Internacional, Inc, Senhor Dr. Caesar de Paço, o montante de 1,000.00€ (mil euros),…
Sincere thanks to Deanna and Dr. Caesar DePaço of Summit Nutritionals International. They heard about our need to replace an aging and well-worn relief trailer for the NJSPBA Survivor and Welfare Fund and jumped at the chance to help. With their $25,000 donation we will be able to replace, wrap and completely outfit a brand…
Summit Nutritionals International® is the leader in manufacturing & delivering 100% USA made and 100% BSE Free Chondroitin Sulfate in the world.
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