Borough of Riverdale Thanks Summit Nutritionals International ®
Chief of Police, Kevin Smith, thanks Dr. Caesar DePaço of Summit Nutritionals International ® for his donation of a K9 from Vohne Liche Kennels.
Chief of Police, Kevin Smith, thanks Dr. Caesar DePaço of Summit Nutritionals International ® for his donation of a K9 from Vohne Liche Kennels.
2017 Summit Nutritionals International
A Família de César de Paço patrocinou a entrega de cerca de 400 refeições a sem-abrigo, que foram distribuídas em Lisboa, por uma associação não governamental. O apoio a esta ação solidária aconteceu no âmbito da visita que o empresário português, radicado nos Estados Unidos da América, fez a Lisboa, tendo a sua família acompanhado…
Sincere thanks to Deanna and Dr. Caesar DePaço of Summit Nutritionals International. They heard about our need to replace an aging and well-worn relief trailer for the NJSPBA Survivor and Welfare Fund and jumped at the chance to help. With their $25,000 donation we will be able to replace, wrap and completely outfit a brand…
2023 Summit Nutritionals Post Views: 1,550
FANWOOD, NJ — Dr. Caeser DePaço, the founder and CEO of Summit Nutritionals International, and his wife, Deanna Padovani-DePaço have been appointed Honorary Fanwood Police Officers, a first in the history of the Fanwood police department. Police director Michael Bramhall made the announcement at the Fanwood Council meeting on Monday, Dec. 4, and said that the…
Last month, Hunterdon County PBA Local 188 took delivery of a new support trailer. The new 7X12 3500 tandem axel event and incident support traile was donated by Dr. Caesar DePaço and his wife Deanna Padovani DePaço of Summit Nutritionals International Inc. According to a statement released by the PBA, “Dr. DePaço heard about our…
O empresário português Caesar DePaço, radicado em New Jersey, voltou a fazer a diferença com a entrega de mais um donativo a uma polícia do ‘Estado Jardim’. A contemplada, desta feita, foi a polícia de Flemington Borough, no condado de Hunterdon, que beneficiou de um generoso donativo de Caesar DePaço para o seu departamento de…
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